
Friday, 22 December 2017

Welcome to Plot 23

So one of the most exciting things that happened in the last couple of years (has it really been that long?!), was that we got an allotment plot. When I moved back to Dorset from Bath I decided I needed something to do with my time, and thought having a go at growing stuff might be the way to go. Contacting the village allotment association was a bit like trying to infiltrate a secret society, but after phoning what felt like nearly everyone in the village I found the right person. Luckily I managed to get in touch at exactly the right time as a plot had just become available, and, jackpot!- it was in great condition, already cleared and ready for planting!

Here it is when we took it over in November 2015. It is a half plot, but plenty big enough at 18.3 x 6.7 m. It is also a bargain at £20 for the year, cheapest land in Dorset?!

After lots of research I decided raised beds would be the way to go, so we made a plan and ordered some gravel boards for the frames, which were delivered on possibly the wettest day of the year! We initially made 8 1.5 x 3 m beds which are the main vegetable beds. We also put in a fruit bed and a seedbed.

We had a pretty successful first year; I wanted to grow a bit of everything and it was very productive, especially in the summer. Here is the plot in early summer:

I think I managed to harvest at least something every month, the leeks kept going through winter, as well as kale and spinach. The plot in mid winter:

The new growing season is properly kicking off now, which is exciting! Here is the plot right now:

 Lots more to come, it is sowing time!

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