
Sunday, 11 March 2012

Open Sandwich Equals Cheese On Toast

Goat's cheese on multi-grain baguette, with beetroot and balsamic vinegar, toasted. Spinach, rocket, chorizo and sunflower seed salad. Posh? Maybe. Delicious? Yes. I love food. That is all :)

Happy Sunday everyone!


  1. That looks delicious-yummy!

  2. Now this looks like my idea of a perfect lunch.
    I enjoyed your 'wolf' post below too. It reminded me of visiting a wolf sanctuary when I was around 7 years old. It had a huge impression on me. Such beautiful creatures close-up.

  3. It was a very tasty lunch :) Thanks, the wolves were great, it was a pretty surreal day out though! Love your blog by the way, Julia


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