
Saturday, 31 January 2015

Bright Spots

I seem to be filled with a certain inertia when it comes to blogpost writing these days. I can't decide whether to keep plodding along with this, talking to just the few of you who stop by, or whether to try something new. The dying days of my PhD studies are taking up plenty of brain-space at the moment too. When I started blogging I certainly never had any aspirations to be A Famous Blogger, but I'm not sure what my motivation is any more. Anyone else out there blogging to no one for no particular reason?! Perhaps I just need some more fun in my life so I feel like I actually have something to talk about...

Well, for now, I shall leave you with some pretty pictures from my recent visit to the beautiful Kew Gardens in London. If you're in the big smoke between Feb 7th and March 6th get yourself there for the Orchid festival, which will be full of gorgeous colour to distract from the dreary grey winter outside (and look out for the resident iguanas too!).

And we'll see if I manage to post more than once in February!


  1. I know the feeling, but as long as you're enjoying that's all that matters? Lovely pics - I've always wanted to go to Kew, maybe I'll manage it this year! :)

  2. I think I do still enjoy it, just struggling to find things to talk about at the moment. You should definitely go to Kew, it is lovely :)

  3. Beautiful photos - it feels good to see a bit of actual colour in some plants right now!

  4. Thank you! Kew is very photogenic. I love the orchid festival, it is just what is needed when it is grey outside!


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