
Sunday, 28 April 2013

Failure to Communicate

A lack of picture-taking recently, leading to a lack of anything interest for posting here, but hopefully I'll be back on it soon. In the meantime, here is a pretty picture:

And the advice that I thoroughly recommend you watch the Bill Bailey programmes about Alfred Russell Wallace, they should be on BBC iPlayer now. Bill Bailey and Wallace are both geniuses! Here is the portrait of Wallace that is in the Linnean Society in London, along side one of Darwin. The Theory of The Origin of Species by Natural Selection was originally presented at the Linnean Society, it was pretty cool to be able to present my own work there too, science geek-out :)

Saturday, 20 April 2013

A Million Points of Light

Hello Mr. Sunshine, so nice to see you after all this time :)

Has Spring sprung?
Name that film?
Can you spot the obvious post theme?

Answers on a postcard...

Monday, 15 April 2013

All The Food

I had some sort of horrible stomach bug all of last week, which actually made me lose my appetite, a very rare occurrence and a sure sign that I was actually pretty ill! Thankfully i'm feeling better now, and I certainly made up for the lack of food over this weekend! I very rarely buy meat, but a trip to the brilliant farmers' market here in Bath got me parting with my cash. Here is a selection of the gluttony that ensued.

Beautiful Bath Blue

Some sexy caramelised onions

Those onions and cheese with some delicious venison steak

1kg of free range bacon offcuts for £3! damn tasty stuff too

More venison steak, this time with purple sprouting broccoli and some new potato chips, and blue cheese sauce too

What a delicious weekend :)

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Emerald Fields

Are we there finally? Has spring sprung? Possibly not, as it snowed the day after I took these pictures...Oh well, I'll enjoy the sunshine when it does occasionally show it's face.